TGA Evaluation Report

  • PFP2
  • Sep 06, 2018

The overall objective of this evaluation was to check the situation of all 49 PFP – supported TGAs in Mufindi, Njombe DC, Njombe TC,  Makete, Ludewa, Kilolo, Kilombero and Madaba districts by evaluating their technical and administrational capacity. Evaluation mission lasted for one month and one week as from 4th December, 2017 to 10th  January, 2018.

The evaluation took into consideration institutional capacity, daily TGA administrational functionality, technical abilities and equipment and the quality of PFP support (as perceived by the TGAs). Out of the 49 TGAs, all except one got over 50 evaluation points out of maximum 90 points. On average, the TGAs received 79% of the maximum score for their institutional capacity, 67% for their daily TGA administrational functionality and 19% for their technical abilities. Thus, technical abilities still clearly need more work.  PFP support got an average evaluation 10 points out of maximum 12.

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