New updated administration manual for TGAs

  • PFP2
  • Jul 10, 2020

This manual is meant to serve as administrational guidelines to the Tree Growers’ Associations (TGAs) of Tanzania. It is a practical guide on how to properly organize TGA’s institutional issues and what to consider during operating a TGA. It is not a constitution or by-law for TGAs, those need to be developed separately by each TGA, nor is this a technical forestry manual. Technical manuals and training materials are separate documents; PFP has developed several technical silvicultural guidelines and materials and they can be requested from PFP personnel.

The manual covers all necessary topics of running a TGA successfully. The use of the manual is therefore strongly advised. In addition to ensuring more professional operation of each TGA, the use of the manual will ensure coordinated manner of operations for all Tanzanian TGAs, which will make planning and implementing collaborative tasks easier and more effective.

The new updated manual includes guidance for member administration and developing a constitution.

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